Functions of Revenue Department :
- Assist Hon Collector and Additional Collector for Magisterial work.
- Approval of arms license – Disapproval and all matters related to weapon
- Order to investigate the firing of the police, investigating the magistrate about the death of the prisoners in jail
- Take action against the bogus doctor review committee
- Cases under Right to Information
- Mahatma Gandhi Tanta Free Village Campaign Implementation
- Regarding issuing filthy certificate for the maintenance of petrolium A, B and C. Scrutiny of proposals
- Regarding permission to store petroleum products. Scrutinize
- Regarding withdrawal of social and political cases. Take action on sending the proposal to the government.
- Consolidated leave of prisoners – Recommendations to the elite superintendent for release from time to time
- Sub-Divisional Police Officer Daindini
- Cases from state excise duty
- Arms license
- Approval of purchase of weapons
- Regarding increasing the arms license area.
- Permission for filing an allegation against weapons.
- Licensing of the Arms License
- Extension of purchase of arms
- Recognizing the dead weapon holders with record of record holders
- Renewal of arms license
- Dispose off the issue according to the order received from the jurisdiction
- Bogus Doctor Recollection
- High court notices, sending provincial reports and other judicial matters.
- Law and order
- Issuance of mandate order under Mumbai Police Act in the district
- To nominate the district government lawyer and government prosecutor on his demand
- Fasting, streetcar, self-sacrifice, etc. In accordance with the movement, take action against law and order
- To scrutinize and renew the approval of the cracker license proposal
- Appointments of Special Executive Officers
- Allowing other entertainment programs apart from cinema.
- Newspaper titanium verification, declaration and subsidiary work.
- Order regarding Weekly Market Approval and Closing
- To scrutinize the approval of the proposals for the Khagraigram license.
- Renewing Foodhouse License
- Explosives- To file a charge sheet against the accused under the Petroleum Act.
- To settle grievances and other general matters
- To take action in connection with the implementation of noise pollution law
- Reviewing criminal cases in the executive magistrates and sub-divisional offices and preparing monthly sheets
- Implementation under SC-ST Act
- Permission to set up the statue
- Mauje khamgaon tq Dharur ya gavacha Parli V. Tq. Samavist Karne Babat Antim Adhisuchna [PDF 552 KB ]
- Maharashtra Jamin Mahsul (Sarkari Jaminichi vilhewat Karne) Niyam 1971 Chya Niyam 31 Madhil Sudharna [PDF 615 KB]
- Maharashtr jamin mahsul (sarkari jamin vilhewat karne) niyam [PDF 1 MB]
- Beed Jilayatil mauje Khamgaon Tq. Dharur ya gaoncha parali ya talukyat samavesh karnebabat.[PDF,1.70 MB]
Order for government land
- Notification of transfer of Bhogwatdar- 2 to Bhogwatdar -1
- Government land-based order for different government projects 2017-2018
- Government land-based order for different government projects 2017-2018
- Government land allotment order for different government projects 2019-2021 [PDF, 8MB]
- Governance decision [PDF,967 KB]
Circulars / Notifications [PDF,4 MB]
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- Bombay Act No.XXXVI of 1959 [PDF, 9.4 MB]
- Maharashtra Agricultural Lands(Ceiling)[PDF,9.4MB]
- Indian Forest Act 1927[PDF, 9.8 MB]
- The Mamledars Court Act 1906[PDF,3.5 MB]
- The Bombay Money Lenders Act 1946[PDF,8.5 MB]
- Regarding AgriStack Project Implimentation .
- Sajjawise Revenue villages List [PDF,478KB]
- Revenue Board wise Talathi Sajja List [PDF,305KB]